Gently Used Dance Item Sale

Art of Movement Dance Studio 119 South Beech Street, Bryan, OH, United States

Come sell or shop! More details HERE

Costume Deposit due with Tuition Payment

Each dancer has a $50 costume deposit due with their tuition this month. Costume balances are then due by the first week of December.  More info about costume fees HERE

Fall Observation & Dress Up Week

Dancers are welcome to have ONE guest attend the last 10 minutes of their classes this week.  Dancers are also invited to wear old dance costumes or another costume, that […]

World Ballet Day LIVE

Watch companies from all around the world LIVE during their classes, rehearsals, interviews, and MORE!

Costume Balances DUE with Tuition

Costume Balances are DUE with Tuition payments this month. Balances may be paid prior to this month as well.

Christkindl Market Performance

Williams County Courthouse Square

Dancers arrive by 4:15pm at the Bandstand on the Square Performance is from 4:30-5pm Dress for the weather and add fun holiday accessories.  All dancers must wear tennis shoes.  Only […]